Become a Member of the Tax Delinquent Blueprint Today!
Everything You Need for Success is Right Here...
  • Instant Access To The Tax Delinquent Blueprint Training Program ($3,995 value) 
  • Bonus #1: Done-For-You Custom Tailored Marketing Pieces ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #2: Done-For-You Custom Tailored Marketing Website ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #3: Deal Submission Joint Venture Partnering Opportunity ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #4: Unlimited Access To The Private TDB Facebook Group ($1,995 value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Access To 8 Weeks Of Insider Coaching Call Vault ($2,000 value)
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Street Address:
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Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
$695 every month
I agree to the terms and conditions
Everything You Need for Success is Right Here...
  • Instant Access To The Tax Delinquent Blueprint Training Program ($3,995 value) 
  • Bonus #1: Done-For-You Custom Tailored Marketing Pieces ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #2: Done-For-You Custom Tailored Marketing Website ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #3: Deal Submission Joint Venture Partnering Opportunity ($495 value)
  • ​Bonus #4: Unlimited Access To The Private TDB Facebook Group ($1,995 value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Access To 8 Weeks Of Insider Coaching Call Vault ($2,000 value)
What Our Client's
Say About Us
Leigh Archer

Real Estate Investor

"I started marketing and mailers hit Tuesday afternoon...already have 17 deals we are working. I've never seen anything work this quick before." 
Shiloh Boone Lasater

Real Estate Investor

"We just got done implementing our tax delinquent strategies and literally had a lady drive 6 hours in a borrowed car to come to our office and sale us her house." 
My "NO BRAINER" 30-Day Money Back Challenge...
Here’s how the guarantee works:
  • ​Step 1: Complete the online Tax Delinquent Blueprint training system consisting of eleven (11) lessons.
  • ​Step 2: Send out at least one (1) mailer of one hundred (100) letters using the proven system taught in the Tax Delinquent Blueprint. We ask that you use REI Print Mail to show proof of receipt for your direct mail marketing.
  • ​Step 3: Create a Facebook introduction post.
  • ​Step 4: Post questions in the private Facebook group.
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